Department of Condensed Matter Physics


Introduction - Department of Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed Matter Physics is one of the undeniable trends in the field of physics, dealing with a wide range of related theories and various applied topics. This branch of physics includes the study of physics of the various properties of condensed materials such as mechanical, electronical, and optical properties, and their applications. The rapid development of science and technology in the microelectronics, computer, telecommunications, and other vital applications are strongly indebted to this branch of physics. The Condensed Matter Physics Department offers solid-state and electronic lab courses to educate young students of different levels with physical knowledge and potential applications of condensed matter physics. Furthermore, research-oriented laboratories of X-ray Diffraction and Thin Film Coating, have provided valuable services to universities and various industries in the region and the country. The department, as the largest educational one in the Faculty of Physics, with faculty members specializing in various theoretical and experimental subjects in condensed matter physics is highly qualified to educate specialized students and support other universities and industry with technical and engineering services. Graduates of the condensed matter physics of different educational levels have the opportunity to continue their studies in other fields such as nanophysics and photonics. At the same time, they may according to the acquired knowledge and skills be recruited as a specialist force in various industries and or provide services to industry and society in the form of knowledge-based companies.

The Condensed Matter Physics staff community at the University of Tabriz (formerly the Solid State and Electronics Department) has actively been involved in training young students for undergraduate physics program since 1960. The promotion of the Physics Department to the faculty level in 1996, paved the road to establish the “Solid State and Electronics” department as one of the four other major departments in the newly established Faculty of Physics. The Department of Condensed Matter Physics has so far granted bachelor, master of science, and doctoral degrees. Currently, people who have successfully completed the offered programs with the faculty have recorded a notable contribution into the science and technology community, in domestic, as well as worldwide, scientific and industrial institutions.

Head of the department: Dr. Babak Abdollahipour

Contact the department:

Phone number: +984133393328, Email address:

Educational Activities - Department of Condensed Matter Physics

Bachelor Course:

The Department of Condensed Matter Physics, in line with the educational programs for the undergraduate students stands shoulder by shoulder with other departments in the faculty, for presenting a program comprising of the eight educational semesters for engineering physics discipline. The program allows a maximum number of 8 semesters that must be completed by the students, which can be extended by 2 extra semesters just in case. Undergraduate students of engineering physics are required to pass at least 139 units, of which 22 units of general courses, 32 units of basic courses, 44 units of main courses, and 41 units of specialized courses. Talented undergraduate students in the field of engineering physics have the opportunity to be registered in the office of the exceptional talents where they can be entitled to receive special privileges as exemption of the entrance exam for higher educations. Graduates of this field can also continue their studies in other closely-related disciplines such as nanophysics and photonics.

Master's Course:

Master's degree students in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics are admitted through a general exam or they have eligibility issued by the office of the exceptional talents at the university of Tabriz. The program necessitates the completion of the four semesters (and can be extended to five, if needed). At this level, students are required to pass 23 educational units that are offered by the department during 3 semesters including basic and special topics. The remaining 6 units are dedicated to the dissertation, which is done under the supervision of the one of the faculty members. New students choose their supervisors at the end of the first semester based on their interests and according to the announced admission capacity of the department professors.

Ph.D. Course:

The Department of Condensed Matter Physics has been admitted Ph.D. students since 1996. Ph.D. students in this group are accepted through the general exam or they have eligibility issued by the office of the exceptional talents at the university of Tabriz. Currently, students are taking different topics as theoretical and advanced experimental lab courses in condensed matter physics. Ph.D. students must take the comprehensive exam immediately after completing the 12 educational units offered by the department in two semesters. They are allowed to submit their research proposals after passing the comprehensive exam. The doctoral dissertation consists of 24 units and is done with the guidance of a supervisor from the faculty, whom has already been assigned at the time of student admission. Ph.D. students are required to publish their academic achievements through at least one article in one of the journals listed by International Science Indexing (ISI) system. The maximum number of allowed semesters in this level is eight, which can be extended up to nine in case, with no tuition.

International Students:

The Department of Condensed Matter Physics admits foreign students in the fields of Condensed Matter Physics, Nanophysics, and Photonics towards MSc. and Ph.D. degrees. Currently, several international students are studying in the fields of Condensed Matter Physics and Nanophysics. These students may attend the designed courses either in Persian or in English. Interested students can contact the International Academic Cooperation Directorate ( of the University of Tabriz for more information.

Research Interests:

  1. Photonic Crystals, Surface Plasmons, Photonic Nanojets and Trajets
  2. Optoelectronic devices, Plasmonic devices, Nonlinear Optical Devices and Solar Cells
  3. Semiconductors, Magnetic materials, Superconductivity, and Topological materials
  4. Graphene and new 2D Materials, Nanostructures, Nanoparticles, and Magnetic Nanoparticles
  5. Thin films, Varistors, Composite Polymers, and Nano-biocomposites
  6. Quantum Transport, Nanoelectronics, and Spintronics
  7. Numerical methods of Band structure calculation
  8. Synchrotron Radiation, and Detectors
  9. Biophysics, and Medical physics

Last Update At : 06 July 2021